Third-Party Satellite Facilities – Mitigating CDMO Risks


In the fast-evolving landscape of pharmaceutical manufacturing, Contract Development and Manufacturing Organizations (CDMOs) have become essential partners for drug companies, providing outsourced services from drug development to full-scale production. However, relying solely on CDMOs comes with inherent risks, such as supply chain disruptions, capacity constraints, and quality control issues, which can compromise the timely availability of medicines. This white paper explores how third-party satellite facilities enhance the resilience of the pharmaceutical supply chain, mitigating risks associated with CDMO operations. By diversifying production, improving flexibility, and offering localized support, third-party satellite facilities play a critical role in maintaining continuous supply, meeting regulatory demands, and ensuring reliability in pharmaceutical manufacturing.

The Growing Need for Supply Chain Resilience in Pharmaceutical Manufacturing

The pharmaceutical supply chain has become increasingly complex and globalized, with various interdependencies that introduce vulnerabilities. These vulnerabilities became more apparent during recent global events, such as the COVID-19 pandemic, when supply chain disruptions significantly impacted drug manufacturing and distribution. Pharmaceutical companies are now recognizing the importance of building resilient supply chains that can adapt to unforeseen challenges, such as raw material shortages, regulatory changes, and transportation delays.

CDMOs, as outsourced partners, often operate on a global scale, which can expose pharmaceutical companies to risks such as delays in production, quality issues, and capacity bottlenecks. To mitigate these risks and ensure a stable supply of critical medications, many pharmaceutical companies are turning to third-party satellite facilities as an additional layer of support.

How Third-Party Satellite Facilities Mitigate CDMO Risks

  1. Reducing Supply Chain Disruptions: Supply chain disruptions, whether caused by natural disasters, geopolitical tensions, or transportation bottlenecks, can severely affect CDMO operations. Third-party satellite facilities offer localized production and distribution capabilities, which can help pharmaceutical companies mitigate the impact of these disruptions. By having strategically positioned satellite facilities closer to key markets, companies can avoid delays caused by long-distance transportation and ensure a continuous supply of medicines even during times of crisis.

    Case Study: During the COVID-19 pandemic, a U.S.-based pharmaceutical company experienced significant delays in receiving raw materials from overseas CDMOs. By partnering with a third-party satellite facility located domestically, the company was able to localize the production of critical drug ingredients, reducing reliance on international supply chains and ensuring the timely delivery of essential medications.

  2. Addressing Capacity Limitations: CDMOs often face capacity limitations, particularly during periods of high demand or when launching new products. These limitations can lead to production delays and create bottlenecks in the supply chain. Third-party satellite facilities can help alleviate these capacity constraints by providing additional manufacturing capabilities. This ensures that pharmaceutical companies have the flexibility to scale up production when needed, without being solely dependent on the capacity of their primary CDMO partner.

    Example: A biotech company partnering with a CDMO to produce a new biologic drug encountered capacity issues as demand for the drug rapidly increased. By engaging a third-party satellite facility, the company was able to supplement production, meet market demand, and prevent shortages of the drug in key regions.

  3. Ensuring Quality Control and Regulatory Compliance: Quality control and regulatory compliance are paramount in pharmaceutical manufacturing. However, managing these aspects across multiple CDMO sites can be challenging, particularly when dealing with varying regulatory standards in different regions. Third-party satellite facilities can support quality assurance efforts by implementing standardized processes and maintaining close alignment with regulatory requirements. These facilities can also provide additional oversight and quality checks to ensure that all products meet the necessary safety and efficacy standards.

    Case Study: A European pharmaceutical company faced challenges with maintaining consistent quality standards across its CDMO partners in Asia. By integrating a third-party satellite facility within Europe, the company was able to conduct final quality checks and ensure that all products met European regulatory standards before distribution.

Strategic Benefits of Diversifying Supply Chain Operations

  1. Flexibility and Adaptability: One of the key benefits of third-party satellite facilities is their ability to offer flexibility in manufacturing operations. These facilities can be quickly scaled up or down based on demand, enabling pharmaceutical companies to adapt to market fluctuations without overburdening their CDMO partners. This adaptability is particularly valuable for pharmaceutical companies developing a wide range of products with varying production volumes and timelines.
  2. Risk Diversification: Relying on a single CDMO or production site for the entire manufacturing process exposes pharmaceutical companies to significant risks. Third-party satellite facilities provide an opportunity to diversify operations across multiple sites, reducing the potential impact of disruptions at any one location. By spreading production activities, companies can minimize the risk of interruptions and maintain a steady supply of products to the market.
  3. Localized Production for Faster Response Times: Satellite facilities positioned near key markets enable faster response times to changes in demand or regulatory requirements. By having localized production capabilities, pharmaceutical companies can reduce lead times and accelerate time-to-market for new products. Additionally, local facilities can be more responsive to region-specific regulatory changes, ensuring that products remain compliant and accessible in different markets.

Euro-American Worldwide Logistics: Supporting Resilient Supply Chains

Euro-American Worldwide Logistics plays a critical role in supporting the resilience of pharmaceutical supply chains by offering end-to-end logistics solutions that complement the efforts of third-party satellite facilities. With a focus on flexibility, reliability, and sustainability, Euro-American Worldwide Logistics helps pharmaceutical companies navigate complex global supply chains while minimizing risks and ensuring continuous supply.

  1. Tailored Logistics Solutions: Euro-American Worldwide Logistics offers customized logistics solutions that align with the unique needs of pharmaceutical manufacturers and their CDMO partners. From temperature-controlled transportation to just-in-time delivery, the company ensures that pharmaceutical products are safely and efficiently transported from manufacturing sites to satellite facilities and beyond.
  2. Streamlined Distribution Channels: By optimizing distribution channels and implementing advanced inventory management systems, Euro-American Worldwide Logistics enables pharmaceutical companies to maintain better control over their supply chains. This streamlined approach reduces the likelihood of bottlenecks and ensures that products are delivered on time and in compliance with regulatory requirements.


As the pharmaceutical industry continues to evolve, building supply chain resilience has become a top priority for companies seeking to mitigate risks and ensure continuous supply. Third-party satellite facilities play a crucial role in enhancing supply chain resilience by providing localized production, supplementing CDMO capacity, and ensuring quality control. By diversifying operations and leveraging the support of partners like Euro-American Worldwide Logistics, pharmaceutical companies can navigate the complexities of the global supply chain, reduce vulnerabilities, and maintain a steady flow of life-saving medications to patients.

The strategic integration of third-party satellite facilities and tailored logistics solutions will be essential for the pharmaceutical industry as it adapts to a rapidly changing landscape. Through innovation, flexibility, and collaboration, companies can optimize supply chain resilience and continue to meet the needs of a global population.